What Happens in a Dry/Fire Cupping Treatment?
I'll start with a gentle 5 min massage using essential oils to stimulate blood flow.
The next step is to warm 2 cups using a burning cotton ball and apply these to your back in different areas for a couple of seconds at a time.. This motion is called 'flashing' and prepares your skin for the treatment. Cups are then placed in various areas of your back and left for a maximum of 20 minutes. Throughout your treatment, I regularly check progress and move cups to other areas of your back if needed.
Your treatment will be carried out in a private, peaceful, uninterrupted therapy room attached to my home by the river Eden. There is a free parking space directly outside my therapy room for ease of access.
Benefits of Dry/Fire cupping include:
* Release deep tissue without discomfort.
* Moves stagnation and helps fluid.
* Relieves inflammation.
* Acts as a nervous system sedation
* Stretches muscle and connective tissue.
* Pulls blood supply to the skin.
* Helps to balance out organs.